Sunday, September 23, 2018

Stars are Genuinely Primitive Worlds, Stars are Life Forming Machines, Stellar Metamorphosis

Stars are life forming machines.

Stars are primitive worlds.

       I like the primitive world statement, as it is popular to think "primitive world" in our culture as being like this:

 Primitive World by Adolphe François Pannemaker (1857)

          A couple reasons why this is not a genuinely primitive world in terms of the history of the Earth. It is a rendition of what a primitive world to us as a species would look like, but lets not get caught up with the idea that the galaxy revolves around us. There are much more primitive worlds than this.  In the above picture,

1. There is a crust.

2. There is water.

3. There is land above the water (the crust is already above the surface water)

4. There are extremely complex organisms growing, walking around and even flying (or gliding).

5. It is cold enough to host gaseous oxygen (breathable air). 

These five observations from the painting mean we are actually looking at an extremely evolved world. It takes hundreds of millions of years to form life that complex. As well, it takes hundreds of millions of years for the star to cool down enough so that the elements in rocks and minerals can solidify from their much more energetic plasma and supercritical gaseous states, and for the ionized material to recombine into a gas that can be breathed in.

The primitive worlds, the really young worlds that exist in the galaxy, do not have crusts made solid rock. They do not have huge amounts of water. They do not have land exposed (follows from the crust idea). They sure as hell do not have highly evolved life forms walking around. They do not have gaseous oxygen because they are too hot, primitive worlds rip apart oxygen into ionized bits.

Primitive worlds look like this, the Pleiades Cluster has many primitive worlds. They are very young, very hot primitive worlds.

                                                          Merope is circled.

Remember, when primitive worlds were imagined in the 1800's, Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection and common ancestry was considered repugnant. So in short, they just didn't know any better to be able to imagine what an actual primitive world looks like, regardless if they were easy to observe on a clear dark night, or even during a cloudless day. The Sun itself is a primitive world as well, it has a while to go before it reaches the stages the Earth has past, long, long ago.

Lets understand the word primitive. It is an adjective; relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something.Hopefully the TESS scientists can realize this. If not, then we'll have to wait until a new generation of scientists grows up. It has already been 7 years from my perspective with the realization that new Earths are directly visible, how much longer will it take?

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