Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Pierre-Marie Robitaille is in Way Over His Head, Stellar Metamorphosis


Dr. Robitaille is biting off way more than he can chew.

I don't even need to watch this to know he says nothing of their total axial angular momentum. If they are actually their size, then their spin would make them flat like pancakes.

They absolutely need to be very small, about Earth sized, so that they don't flatten out. 

Some white dwarfs spin under a minute!

But this isn't the argument I am making. The argument I am making is that the Sun has a tremendous amount of angular momentum. 

What mechanism does Dr. Robitaille have that can get the Sun to spin with such vast amounts of momentum? 

In stellar metamorphosis, the angular momentum of a white dwarf remains as it expands outwards, this causes it to slow down. This, I believe, will turn out to be the most accurate representation for why Sun-like stars spin. They are the expanded, older versions of white dwarf stars that have aged a few million years.

This means white dwarfs are baby stars, they are hot, dense, rapidly spinning, and very massive. All the components one should expect from a brand new star, directly after birthing.

Older stars are objects like the Earth, they are so old in fact, that they have things like rocks/minerals, life, vast water oceans, differentiation, iron/nickel cores, etc. They have also lost the vast majority of their mass due to evolutionary processes such as photoevaporation, disintegration, loss of helium/hydrogen due to basic atmospheric escape, etc.

Put simply, Dr. Robitaille is getting in way over his head. He is taking his hammer to everything, regardless if it is a nail or not.

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