Monday, December 4, 2023

UAP/UFO Whistleblowers Need to Come Out

 If you are a whistleblower, there needs to be a fund built up for you to go forward with the legal battles of extraterrestrial disclosure. 

Looks like Hollywood was all wrong. We need to literally go through the court system to get defense contractors to give up the goods. 

They need to have federal charges filed against them for racketeering.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Idleness vs Doggedness

 So from my experience I believe that many astrophysics academics want people to believe they are hard workers and “did the time” to get their titles and positions and knowledge. 

To me it is fancy laziness, the easiest path forward is the one they took. 

The hard work is looking internally at their own assumptions about the world and constantly trying to challenge them. They don’t challenge the assumptions, at all. 

Fancy laziness. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

UFO Hearing tomorrow with David Grusch

 I don't know what will be said, but one thing is for sure, if we do not get shown ET spacecraft and bodies, the people covering it up will be put further into a corner so it will be that much more obvious. 

The contractors who are storing the alien spaceships and bodies are in a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. 

They are just damned. This is a no-win situation for them, and all win for common people like myself.

Monday, June 5, 2023

ET are real

The news finally came out. Now to teach astronomers how dumb they are. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

Vixra delay for ferromagnetism paper, Stellar Metamorphosis


Why Old and Dead Stars have Iron/Nickel Cores According to Stellar Metamorphosis


Jeffrey J. Wolynski

Rockledge, FL 32955

March 22, 2023


Abstract: It is reasoned and explained that old and dead stars have iron/nickel cores because iron and nickel are ferromagnetic. This means they become strong magnets themselves when subjected to a magnetic field. This causes these elements to stick together when in the atmosphere of stars with strong global magnetic fields. This is a main reason why most dead stars will have large iron/nickel cores.  


            According to stellar metamorphosis, stars are young planets, this means stellar evolution is planet formation, which is contrary to mainstreams’ view of stars and planets being mutually exclusive. Intermediate aged stars such as red dwarfs and brown dwarfs have very strong global magnetic fields. Very young stars do not have strong global magnetic fields because they do not have iron cores yet. These global magnetic fields take in iron/nickel from the surrounding environment and collect it both gravitationally and magnetically. Think of a snow globe, but add the fact that the snow particles are ferromagnetic, the globe is a giant magnet with its center field alignment in the center like Earth and all the evolving stars, and the globe is big enough to attract the heaviest material (iron/nickel) into the center. Also add the fact that iron and nickel are very stable isotopes, so they can withstand lots of heat and pressure far beyond standard temperature and pressure.

            As these iron/nickel cores are forming inside the stars, the cores themselves as they grow larger can help to field align the global field of the star and make it even stronger, as is the case of Jupiter’s magnetic field. Eventually though these strong magnetic fields die out, and the star loses its capacity to maintain its strong global field. We see direct evidence of the magnetic fields and moments of stars dying out even in our own solar system, with Jupiter being the strongest, then Saturn, then Neptune/Uranus, then Earth, all the way down to a very, very weak magnetic field such as Venus, to none at all but a large core still present, such as Mercury.

            Iron/nickel left over after core formation which accretes into the star can then combine with other elements making iron ores in the crust and mantles but the field alignment and ability for the new material to move into the core regions will no longer be available.





















Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Spectrums of the Most Ancient Stars According to Stellar Metamorphosis 


The oldest stars, fossilized stars if you will, no longer shine. Their spectrums as viewed from telescopes are essentially non-existent. 

 They reflect light. Do what you will of this ancient information. 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Mom and Dad

 Mom left on Feb 26, at 12:59 A.M.

It looks like Dad is getting ready to check out too. 

I have a much larger family now. I love them, Celeste and all the kids. 

They love me too. 

This is what I'm listening to while at the shop.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Big Bang Never Happened, Stellar Metamorphosis

 Mercury is 32.75 trillion years old in this paper.

The big bang is 13.7 billion years ago...

Simple calculation means Mercury is ~2,390 times older than the universe in this paper. 

It is right there too. It is in an orbit closer to the Sun than the Earth and Venus. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

In Support of Iron-Hydride and Nickel-Hydride in Earth’s Inner Core, Stellar Metamorphosis, Planet Formation, Stellar Evolution 


 According to the General Theory of Stellar Metamorphosis, planet formation is stellar evolution. This means all properties of planets are a direct result of the conditions present when they were younger stars and their orbits around other hosts. The Earth’s inner iron core is less dense than its outer core due to being bombarded with iron/nickel from outer space, as it was composed of liquid metallic hydrogen, which formed a bond with the iron and nickel, forming iron and nickel hydride. Drawing from this hypothesis, the zone with which the inner iron core’s density changes (becomes denser in the outer iron core), is a clue to when the majority of the hydrogen could no longer form bonds with the iron/nickel. This in turn can be used to explain how, why and when the pressures changed during iron core formation, due to both evaporation of the hydrogen due to mass loss of the star and chemical factors. That in turn can tell us how thick the atmosphere was during this transitional stage, and give far more information than is what made possible with the iron-catastrophe hypothesis.