Saturday, September 13, 2014

The B2FH Paper or Stellar Nucleosynthesis

I must study this paper to see where we went wrong. I will make notes here as I review it.

The people who wrote this paper I am greatly interested in, simply because all four of them considered big bang to be pseudoscience. It is very challenging to me now in realizing that not all people who do astronomy/astrophysics agree with each other. We are told via popular media that all astronomers are in agreement with ideas, but the truth is they are not. Though it is strange how they want us to believe that to be the case.

To begin, usually with astrophysical papers the authors make massive amounts of assumptions true. The trick is revealing to the reader where the assumptions are hiding. There are always assumptions inside of astrophysical papers, here I will point them out to the best of my ability.

1. Assuming the isotope and elemental abundances in the universe are actually observed.

(It shouldn't be a shocker to anybody that stars that do not shine from their own light, planets as they are called, are ancient and do not have the ability to show their isotope and elemental abundances when viewed from telescopes as are younger stars. Unfortunately, establishment physicists do not consider "planets" as ancient stars, so the elemental and isotope abundances cannot accurately be accounted for inside of evolved galaxies. Given that ancient stars are much more solid material and contain a much greater composition of heavier elements than do supposed sun-like stars, the abundances are genuinely still up in the air and have never been accurately measured. The abundances were also assumed based off the preposition that the majority of a star's composition could be inferred from its spectrum, this is also faulty because young plasmatic stars can hide the heavier elements inside of them, only the most singly ionized ones will appear in the spectrographs.)

That is the first major assumption to stellar nucleosynthesis, and as we can see is not solid ground what so ever towards the development of understanding stellar interiors or their actual structure/elemental abundances and isotope abundances. In short, this paper will be forgotten under the weight of current observations and theory which is in development. I must consider these types of papers to point out where we went wrong.

2. Not being aware of galaxy ejection and quasar jets (radio and x-ray sources).

I have read the paper (it is quite lengthy) there is not one single mention of quasar jets. In stellar metamorphosis this is where actual fusion processes happen, not in stars. The permanence of stellar fusion cycles being in stars is a great disadvantage to modern science, because it is bolstered by social constructions in graduate school. This meaning the solar fusion model is a 100 year fad.

See the jets? That is where fusion is occurring. We shall call it Galactic Nucleosynthesis.


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