Friday, October 10, 2014

Stellar Metamorphosis: Dead Star or Embryonic Galaxy?

Astronomers working with NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) have found a pulsating dead star beaming with the energy of about 10 million suns. The object, previously thought to be a black hole because it is so powerful, is in fact a pulsar -- the incredibly dense rotating remains of a star.

Dead star? Nope. Dead stars look like this:


In the General Theory of Stellar Metamorphosis dead stars:

1. Have no global magnetic fields (or at least they are very, very weak)

2. Have no real atmospheres

3. Are at the very lowest energy state of matter, which are solids

4. Have combined the majority of their elements into chemical compounds such as rocks/minerals.

5. Do not radiate in any frequency of the EM spectrum, they only reflect light

6. Have spherical shape (they are not cubes or doughnut shaped)

7. Are much less massive than are younger, hotter stars

8. Do not have active volcanoes

9. Have appreciable gravitational fields which allows them to orbit other younger stars

10. Have differentiated interiors which signifies that they are not remains of dead star collisions but dead stars in of themselves (iron/nickel cores)

Pulsars in stellar metamorphosis are embryonic galaxies, they are a completely different animal all together. Saying a "pulsar" is a dead star is like calling a mountain an ant. What they are looking at is a baby galaxy, definitely NOT a dead star. Besides, what kind of dead object pulsates with the intensity of 10 million suns? That thing is not dead! It is a young galaxy!

The only thing really good that has come out of this article is their admittance that pulsars are real, and that they can emit as much energy as they do, thus slowly getting rid of the black hole pseudoscience of the 20th century.

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